Super-RoomieFlat finding algorithm develpment
Business Result

The web app with a matching algorithm is delivered.

Tech Stack

Housing prices in urban areas have been rising for years, which is why more and more well-earning young professionals are getting together in shared flats (WG’s).Our client came to us with and the idea of a (web-)app that prevents wrong decisions due to wrong or missing information bases and saves time. For this purpose, we wanted to develop a questionnaire that captures relevant personality traits, habits, interests and helps each user (wg-seeker/ wg-offerer) to match the best-shared flats


Dashbouquet developed the algorithm that analyzes the following data:

  • Location (country, city)
  • Flat information: room size, cost, rental start date
  • Personality questionnaire
  • Roommate gender preference

Once users complete all the questionnaire steps they see the matches in two tabs. The ‘Recommended’ tab shows the matches with the counted match percentage based on the algorithm, ‘All matches’ tab lets users see all the flats/seekers within the selected location. Once users find the potential roommates they can text each other for details.