Just Carbonblockchain-powered marketplace
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Business Result

As a result of our cooperation, the client was able to get the next round of funding and signed a contract with their first big customer.

Tech Stack

A blockchain-powered marketplace where users can convert Carbon Credits into Just carbon tokens (JCR) or offset any amount of carbon units to help save the planet from Carbon pollution.
JustCarbon was built in association with Seafields company (https://seafields.eco/) - developing a seaweed farm with the aim to capture a gigatonne (1,000,000,000 tonnes) of carbon every year.
The client came to us with the idea to rework the existing design of the marketplace and add some new features.


With the help of our team of designers and developers, the UI of the marketplace was completely reworked and updated. We’ve also added a new authentication flow and implemented a completely new feature - user account.