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Business Result

AI-assisted psychotherapy platform designed to enhance online therapy sessions. The platform provides real-time biofeedback to personalize conversations, streamlines processes like intake and session summaries, and automates regular checkups for continuous support. It also features Sora Meet Therapy, which integrates AI to create personalized images and movies from patient memories.

Tech Stack

BetterYou startup being in an early pre-product stage required to implement robust and secure AI driven system for user behavior analysis during session chat, which included both texting and visual analysis.

The goal is to introduce the platform to therapists, which will enforce productivity and accuracy of patients treatment.


During the implementation we faced existing Python server limitations on scale and introduced Node/Express server to avoid them.

For the AI part team tested several LLM models to check it`s latency and accuracy such as:

  • Llama3
  • Mixtral
  • ChatGPT4/turbo/omni
  • VILA

We`ve implemented bio responsive multimodal AI agent using several LLM models from the list above, with a separate dashboard for therapists to be able to analyze patient`s sessions live or offline.